First Aid Facts - Sepsis (Septicaemia/Blood Poisoning) — Tots About

First Aid Facts - Sepsis (Septicaemia/Blood Poisoning)

Sepsis has hit the headlines recently with many tragic cases being reported. The key to sepsis is picking up on the serious signs of illness as early as possible and escalating your concern. Cornwall Resus are on hand to offer some expert advice on how to recognise if your baby or child is showing signs of sepsis or serious illness.What is Sepsis?Also known as Septicaemia or Blood Poisoning, Sepsis is when your body’s response to infection goes wrong and begins to injure its own tissues and organs. It affects about 10,000 children every year in the UK.How do I spot it?Sepsis could happen as a result of any infection, if your child is unwell with either a fever or a very low temperature (or has had a fever in the last 24 hours) then think about Sepsis.Any child who:

  • Feels abnormally cold to touch.
  • Looks mottled, bluish, or has very pale skin.
  • Has a rash that does not fade when you press it.
  • Is breathing very fast.
  • Has a ‘fit’ or convulsion.
  • Is very lethargic or difficult to wake up.

Might be critically ill. One or more of these? Speak to a Doctor urgently: Call 999 and say you are worried about sepsis.A child under 5 who:

  • Is not feeding.
  • Is vomiting repeatedly.
  • Hasn’t had a wee or wet nappy for 12 hours.

Might have Sepsis.One or more of these? Speak to a Doctor and say you are worried about sepsis.Information taken from www.sepsistrust.orgPlease visit this website for a wealth of information about Sepsiscornwall-resusCornwall Resus are experts in Baby & Child First Aid and Life Saving training.t: 07503 834185

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