Numbers Nursery

Numbers Nursery

Numbers Nursery, based in Tehidy Woods, have received another year of funding from BBC Children in Need to deliver free, family forest school sessions for children aged 2-4 years. 

Our project inspires children and parents with early year’s maths, in conjunction with improving children’s emotional literacy and resilience through forest school activities. Sessions are delivered by experienced and qualified primary school teachers, and forest school leaders.

We are offering 10 free, weekly forest schools sessions to low income families and foster carers, starting on Friday, 1st May at Tehidy Woods from 10am to 12pm. Travel costs can also be reimbursed.  Some of the activities include:

  • preparing and cooking healthy snacks and meals outdoors; 

  • exploring the woods with scavenger and treasure hunts;

  • building fairy houses and dens; 

  • making potions and meals in our mud kitchen; and 

  • enjoying singing, story time and games. 


Our forest school sessions provide an opportunity for families to have quality time together outdoors.  

For more information, please email or call 01209 212579.

Numbers Nursery Project - Spring Flyer - 2020.jpg
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