Tots About teams up with award-winning smart phone App KiddyUPWe know how hard it can be to find things to do with your children or to locate an emergency baby-change facility or to find a family-friendly place to have lunch. We also know that parents really value the opinion of other parents.Available on both iOS and Android, KiddyUP is the award-winning smart new way for you to find local places to FEED, CHANGE, PLAY & BUY baby and child-related products and services. Created by two mums and with 50,000 UK locations inside the app and over 10,000 users, KiddyUP is the quickest and easiest way to get around with your children. You collect points for everything you do from adding TOTspots, rating, reviewing, uploading photos and sharing. Soon you will be able to exchange those points for great discounts and products via our website.KiddyUP was Prima Baby Magazine’s App of the Month; is a Loved by Parents award nominee; a Mumpreneur UK and BizzieBaby award winner, and also features on the Mumsnet website. Visit the Mumsnet website to check out our breastfeeding-friendly map of the UK.KiddyUP us delighted to have teamed up with Tots About to make picking up your free copy even easier. Just look out for the owl icon to find out where you can grab a copy near to you!Download KiddyUP by visiting and keep up with KiddyUP news, competitions and exclusive offers via the Facebook page/kiddyupapp. For local news and discounts visit the Devon & Cornwall Facebook page/kiddyupdevoncornwall run by KiddyUP co-creator and local Truro mum, Charlotte.